A Wee Laugh
I have worked in procurement for decades now. I have gained my chartered status and have taken exams in various procurement-related subjects (I’d say I’d studied but that would be a gross overstatement since I walked into each exam having not opened even the study guide, much less a textbook). I love what I do, though not always for whom I do it. I love the game, the power play of it. I love to sit devising strategies and see them pay off. I like to think of myself as an ethical buyer, but even so there is a game to be played to ensure everyone walks away with a workable deal and I love that part of the job. Weirdly what has spilled over into my non-work life isn’t the game, much as I love it. Over the last few decades I have found myself becoming a more ethically conscious consumer. I don’t mean I wear only Birkenstocks and eat only vegan granola, but I try to keep myself aware of where I spend my money and exactly what sort of companies a...