54-46 Was My Number

I spend a considerable amount of time in adult online environments. I’m a member of two fora associated with different porn sites, as well as spending time on whichever site I’m currently favouring to arrange whatever style of liaison tickles my fancy at a given moment. Some of those sites have bulletin boards, some have chat rooms, all have messaging facilities. Some of them are more welcoming than others, some are like spending time back in the school playground where X won’t play with you because you’ve been seen talking to Y. On the whole the porn fora are far friendlier than the sites designed to facilitate encounters (it’s living proof of East and Watts assertion on Jealousy and Envy: that higher sex drives tend to be a significant predictor of higher levels of sexual jealousy). Some questions are, if not unique to a particular site, certainly unusual away from that site. One porn forum is an American site and seems to attract guys obsessed with...